Building Soap Bubble
Building block
This block assembles the negative space inside. By combining the transparent blocks, the outline of the space will appear almost like a Soap bubble. The interior colored with polarized light produces light of various colors. The object is not only a toy, for example the open space on the inside can be used to display accessories and small things when not being used.
re-assemble is a collaborative and conceptual design challenge bringing together eight UK based creative designers / studios from different fields and backgrounds. The challenge was to re-imagine ‘building blocks’, adding new experience values and bringing a unique and personal approach from each of the designers. The challenge aims to be a collaborative and engaging exploration into how we can still extract meaning and delight from even the most simple ‘childlike’ objects.
このプロジェクトは10人の異なるバックグラウンドを持ったインハウスデザイナーや、フリーランスデザイナーが集まり、テーマ:re-assembleに基づいた作品を各自制作し、LONDON DESIGN FESTIVAL 2019の一環で開催されるdesign junctionに出展した。

Manufacturing Sponsored by : ETSUMI OPTICAL CO., LTD. / OWL CRAFT CO., LTD.